Product Recommendations

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A word about how I got here….

Road Runner Sports- Logo About 18 years ago, in preparing my own body before pregnancy, I began to thoroughly research all products that would optimally support my health and the health of a baby. I had already received a lot of education through Graduate School and other training in this area, but that’s when I took it to the next level. With the support of my husband John, we made even more changes. We removed gluten from our diets, and switched to using organic food, clean grass fed meat, free range chicken and eggs and raw unpasteurized dairy (mostly butter). We changed our household cleaning products, toiletries, everything you can think of. We also got rid of the microwave oven. Back then there were not all the products available that there are today, especially in baby products and health and beauty items. I feel blessed to have raised 2 healthy children and seen the effect it has had on them both developmentally and in their immune system health. My son (14) has never needed to take an antibiotic.

I am extremely passionate about my work and about the products that I recommend because I use them and they are great products! So below you will find Karen’s Favorites… Feel free to contact me if you have any questions!